

Data and Analytics for Delivery

Whether you’re delivering online video, file downloads, web pages, games or e-commerce, you want to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction while minimizing costs. Edgio Delivery’s analytics tools help businesses understand content delivery and make informed decisions by transforming raw data into actionable insights on content, traffic, applications, and user behavior.

How Data and Analytics Works?

Edgio Delivery offers a robust set of data and analytics tools to provide the insights you need, helping you extract, aggregate, and present data to address your challenges.

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Control Portal

The Control Portal is your central console for dashboards and consolidated reports, which provide intelligence and insight into your content delivery.

The Dashboard provides a real-time snapshot of active traffic segments, system updates, configuration changes, purge events, and user edits. Consolidated reports let you analyze your data using visualizations that focus on analytics rather than plain reporting.

The Control Portal is a secure, self-service hub for managing content delivery, offering an easy-to-use interface to configure services, manage content, secure your environment, analyze usage, and access support.

And there’s much more under the surface, from a Realtime Reporting API to Custom Queries, all leveraging the EdgeQuery analytics platform.

products delivery data and analytics

EdgeQuery APIs

APIs facilitate integration with your analytics tools. EdgeQuery aggregates standard results and collects raw data on user behavior, service delivery, and network systems.

The Realtime Reporting API Suite, ideal for businesses that want to integrate analytics data into already existing reporting, dashboard and analytics tools, is a suite of REST APIs that provides programmatic access to EdgeQuery data, aggregation, and processing.

Breadth of data
Access data about geography, traffic and service types, and more, plus a Category API that bundles sub-reports.

Protect your reporting traffic with message authentication and user identification.

Use one common structure for all REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs in the suite.

products delivery data and analytics

Custom Queries

Custom Queries allow you to extract specific data in real-time, near real-time, or historical formats for precise analysis and tailored to your workflow.

Controlled access
Extract custom aggregations you need from log data.

Set options for time bins, retention and frequency of access.

API Access
Write calls to access custom data from your existing tools.

products delivery data and analytics

Real-Time Log Delivery

Get the data you need to manage web applications and infrastructure instantly with real-time logs delivered in less than two minutes.

products delivery data and analytics

Real-Time Statistics

Get up-to-the-minute statistics, including bandwidth, connections and hits, to understand how the delivery network is performing.

products delivery data and analytics

EdgeQuery Analytics Platform

EdgeQuery is Edgio’s real-time analytics platform for collecting, aggregating, and storing data. It also processes, calculates and returns results in near real-time in response to requests.

Get fast request processing, calculation, aggregation and return from high-performance EdgePrism devices.

Make requests from self-service Control portal, Custom Queries and Reporting API.

Extract data on content, traffic, application, storage and user behavior at a range of time scales.

Data in the platform includes:

User behavior data
Actions and interactions by end users.

Service delivery data
Movement of data in and out of the content delivery network.

Systems data
Status and performance of the network, services and systems.

products delivery data and analytics

The Benefits of Data and Analytics

Operational Efficiency: Load-balance your delivery network, anticipate and manage peak traffic, optimize bandwidth utilization, manage content libraries, minimize cost, optimize for location or time of day.

Quality of Experience
Improve QoE for your customers with actionable insights regarding usage, interaction and systems.

Improved Forecasting
Provide ROI guidance, leveraging insights into past performance as a strong indicator of future performance.

Content Optimization
Gain insights you can use into how users are consuming your content.

Respond to Changing Business Requirements
Easily and quickly modify and update your configurations at any time.

products delivery data and analytics

왜 Edgio 배달인가?

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세계 최대의 고급 글로벌 CDN 중 하나에서 스트리밍 미디어와 대용량 파일 다운로드를 강화하십시오.

수상 경력에 빛나는 플랫폼

NAB 올해의 제품상 2024
GigaOM Radar 2024 에서 엣지 플랫폼 리더 및 우수업체상
글로벌 인포섹 어워드 2024

고객 성공 사례

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“Edgio의 보안 솔루션을 추가하여 잠재적 취약성에 대한 가시성을 높이고 오탐을 줄였으며 새로운 룰을 배포하고 외부 공격을 처리하는 데 필요한 속도를 높일 수 있게 되었습니다.”

– 켄트 짐머만(Kent Zimmerman), 이커머스 및 CRM 부문 부사장

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“Edgio 덕분에 기술, 프로세스, 팀워크를 잘 융합할 수 있었어요. 그 결과는 확실했고, 이 모든 게 Edgio와 함께해서 가능했죠.”

– 만딥 바티아(Mandeep Bhatia), 글로벌 디지털 제품 및 옴니채널 혁신 부문 부사장

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“고품질의 시청 경험은 우리에게 정말 중요합니다. Edgio 덕분에 온프레미스 솔루션에서 완전한 클라우드 기반 솔루션으로 전환할 수 있었고, 제어권을 잃지 않으면서도 고품질 시청 경험을 제공할 수 있었습니다”

– 존 맥컬리(John McCauley), 마케팅 및 미디어 부문 부사장

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Edgio가 훨씬 나은 툴, 가격, 지원을 제공해서 Akamai에서 Edgio로 이전했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 정말 안정적이고 강력하며, 지원팀도 어떤 문제든 빠르게 대응하고 해결해 줍니다. Edgio는 모든 면에서 더 나은 경험을 제공합니다.”

– 카일 라오(Kyle Rao), 사장