除了Pinterest之外,幾乎每個主要的社交媒體平臺現在都內置了直播流媒體。實時流媒體無處不在,從電子運動到實際運動到SpaceX發布,更多的兒童希望成長成為專業的實時流媒體,而不是想成為太空飛行員。 在技術方面,平臺現在正處於軍備競賽中,為其用戶提供低延遲直播流。
現在,它可能很容易上網,但影響幕後技術奇蹟的是簡單的。 由於直播流是您平臺的關鍵因素,因此能夠提供最廣泛的低延遲流傳輸功能的解決方案將超越其他解決方案。 並非每個直播流應用程式都需要盡可能低的延遲。 有幾個因素決定了哪種解決方案最適合給定應用。 知名的流媒體將會湧向提供最合適的影片延遲解決方案的平臺,因為該平臺將為觀眾提供最佳的觀看體驗。 [KC1]
About The Author
Charlie Russell
Charlie Russell is a Senior Product Marketing Manager who enjoys spreading the word about Edgio. He gets to learn about the challenges customers face and how Edgio helps solve them, the new offerings from Product and Engineering, and all the myriad goodness that comprises the Edgio advantage. And he gets to help other pteople learn about it too – members of the Edgio team, people who wan to deliver better and more secure digital experiences, and thousands of happy customers. In his free time, Charlie is a musician who loves playing with friends and performing around town.