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Attack Surface Management Gives You Continuous “White Hat” Coverage

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

It has been a rollercoaster ride of battles and wins in tech with the full arrival of AI in 2023. Riding that rollercoaster are both black hats and white hats—think Billy the Kid and John Wayne from the old Westerns but much more cryptic and complicated. In this risk-focused world, it may seem hard to get off that rollercoaster to a safe place.

Riding on that rollercoaster are the black hats who break into computer networks or release malicious payloads that destroy files, hold computers hostage, or steal passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information. The white hats are the good guys, exploiting computer systems or networks to identify their security flaws so they can make recommendations for improvement. In between are the gray hats who uncover weaknesses such as zero-day vulnerabilities, reporting them but sometimes demanding payment in exchange for providing full details of what they uncovered.

Problem: Expanding Attack Surfaces and Risk

In this rapidly evolving threat landscape, characterized by sophisticated attacks including LLM-powered assaults, maintaining a robust security posture has become increasingly challenging. From CI/CD practices that accelerate web application development cycles, to “cowboy devs” who move fast but often without the security team in the loop, the expanding online presence of businesses has led to a surge in web-facing assets, raising concerns about effective asset management and security. Making matters more difficult is the fact that vulnerabilities are being discovered across the software supply chain each year. According to the National Vulnerability Database, more than 28,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) were disclosed in 2023, eclipsing the number disclosed in 2022 by nearly 3,000 CVEs. This increase underscores the need for not only more detection and discovery, but proactive protection.

Understanding the complexity of attack surfaces is crucial because you can’t protect what you don’t know or can’t see. Modern web applications rely on APIs, cloud and network infrastructure, encryption protocols and third-party dependencies that make up the software supply chain. Traditional security measures, including periodic pen-testing, have proven insufficient in addressing modern cyber threats. There’s a growing need for proactive and continuous security strategies to identify exposures and mitigate vulnerabilities effectively.

Edgio for Continuous Attack Surface Management

Edgio’s new Attack Surface Management (ASM) solution is your new “white hat,” offering comprehensive threat exposure management by detecting existing and new web-facing assets, providing technology inventory and automatically identifying security exposures across all utilized tech stacks. With enhanced visibility into an organization’s attack surface, including potential blind spots and overlooked vulnerabilities, it offers a proactive security strategy designed to identify, analyze, and mitigate vulnerabilities across an organization’s attack surface.


Attack Surface Management entities

Figure 1: Edgio ASM quickly discovers and analyzes all external assets with a single input. 

Always looking around the corner, Edgio’s ASM will play a big role in continuous threat exposure management. Integration with DevSecOps tools such as GitHub and Snyk incorporates internal security findings into ASM, providing a holistic view of security exposures. As ASM proactively identifies vulnerabilities and bad practices, security operations are streamlined, reducing incident response times through automated detection and prioritization. Edgio ASM provides SOC and DevSecOps teams with the ability to track vulnerabilities and exposures from discovery to mitigation, manage priority, assign tickets to teammates, add comments, track changes and more. According to the “Gartner Top 9 Trends in Cybersecurity 2024,” organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a continuous threat exposure management program will realize a 2/3 reduction in security breaches by 2027, making now the right time to add ASM to your security arsenal.

Attack Surface Management exposures

Figure 2: The Attack Surface Management (ASM) dashboard provides real-time views of vulnerabilities and exposures with the ability to drill down to actionable, context-rich information.

To provide immediate protection against priority vulnerabilities and exposures, Edgio’s holistic Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) solution provides the capabilities to quickly close the door on attackers with Web Application Firewall (WAF), Bot Management, Layer 3-7 DDoS Protection, API Security and Client-Side Protection. With the virtual patching capabilities of our WAAP, Edgio customers not only discover but remediate external threats faster, lowering mean-time-to-remediate (MTTR).

Edgio’s ASM is the indispensable white hat, fortifying an organization’s security posture in today’s dynamic threat landscape and reducing the bumps along the way. With setup in minutes, it clearly emerges as a leading solution for organizations seeking to strengthen their security posture…even those with many fast-moving “cowboy” developers, those rogues who make their own rules!